Adhering to a one-concept-per-page philosophy, this standard-setting book combines a series of volumes designed specifically to teach electricity. From producing electricity to electromagnetism, from power sources to dynamotors, each volume offers complete coverage of a given area of knowledge, with topics progressing in carefully constructed, incremental steps designed to fully prepare readers for the volume ahead. Contains complete studies on producing electricity, D-C circuits, A-C circuits, LCR circuits, test equipment, power sources, and electric motors. Covers only one discrete topic or concept per page, and visually corresponds the concept with one or more illustrations relating to it on that same page. Defines and highlights all technical terms and key words at their point of introduction, and reiterates major points covered in prior topics to reinforce knowledge, aid in retention, and pave the way for smoother transitions. Third Edition now updates the atomic table list of elements, demonstrates current examples of electricity's uses; incorporates National Electric Code data throughout; expands coverage on the table of Standard Wire; includes considerable data on digital test equipment as well as electronic test meters, and much more. Ideal for Electrical Apprentice Training, Electrical Technology courses in trade schools, and for Corporate Training Programs.
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